
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mouse – The Real Meaning of Beauty - Relating to God

Mouse – The Real Meaning of Beauty - Relating to God

Tact: ● Show not to judge by outward appearance.
● Trash becomes beautiful in God’s service.
Material: Mouse (mech), Bible (or verses printed large)
= Just because you find something in the trash doesn’t mean it’s worthless; no good for anything. If someone throws a wagon away because a wheel is broken, maybe I can take it home and plant flowers in it.
= I found this mouse in the trash. It has a missing button and really dirty looking. Someone thought this was worthless. But I love to use it to tell people just like each of you how valuable you are in God’s world.
= Because of the way we were born, Satan is always trying to get us to act and talk ugly to others. This is called, “Sin. Sin is doing things we know God doesn’t like.” (REPEAT)
= As God works on changing our heart, we are used to tell our friends about His great love and forgiveness; just as we are. God wants to use broken pieces of computers, boys and girls like you, and your parents to tell others about the beautiful heaven we’ll be spending forever and ever, if we’ve asked Jesus to change our heart into a clean person to serve Him.
= So it’s not fancy clothes or a shiny car or a pretty cell phone, that is truly beautiful. No. Only using things to tell others about their need of Jesus Christ to save them from going to Hell, the ugliest of all places. [1st Samuel 16:7b]
= Can you find an old computer mouse and have mom clean all the germs off. Slide it right in your pocket ready for you to do your part as a backyard missionary showing the REAL beauty in God’s Love. It’s fun! And so easy!
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